how to find someone on social media

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If you want to find someone on social media platforms, then you are in the right place, because in this article I will give you a tool that will help you find anyone on social media platforms just by username.

The tool that I will give you can find anyone on all social media platforms just by their username, and if the username was found, then it will give you the url of that social media profile associated with the person that you want to find.

how to find someone on social media

how to find anyone social media accounts

There are multiple paid tools available online to find someone’s social media accounts, but we are going to use a free method to find anyone’s social media accounts.

We are going to use an Android application called Termux, a terminal emulator for Android devices that can run Linux tools and packages.

Let me explain to you how you can use the Termux application to find anyone’s social media accounts.

how to use termux to find anyone’s social media accounts

First, you need to download and install the latest version of the Termux apk from GitHub or from fdroid.

After installation, open it and run the following commands one by one:

  • Update and upgrade Termux packages by running this command.
apt update && apt upgrade -y
  • Install the required Git, Go, and Python packages. 
pkg install python golang git -y
  • Now download and setup the social media account finder tool in Termux by running this command.
git clone && cd Investigo && go build

This command will automatically download and set up the social media account finder tool in Termux.

  • Now you are ready to run the tool to search anyone’s social media accounts by username.
go run investigo.go user_name

Replace the user_name with the actual username of the person for whom you want to find social media accounts.

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Social media accounts

It will automatically search for that username on all social media platforms, and if the username exists, it will give you the URL of that social media profile.


In this article, we provide a method to find anyone’s social media accounts just by their username.

proud owner of, Assam native. Tech enthusiast, sharing Termux and Linux expertise. Simplifying tech for all—from beginners to pros. Join me on this knowledge-sharing adventure!

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