Improve your skills: Termux Commands list for beginner

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Termux commands list

Termux is a powerful application for text editing, scripting, server management, penetration testing, and Linux command-line processes. This article contains a basic Termux command list that will help you navigate the world of Linux on your Android device. Also provide a Termux Commands List pdf file download link.

About Termux :-

Termux is a free open-source Android terminal emulator that allows you to run Linux tools and can install linux packages and library like Metasploit,sqlmap, python, Ruby , php ,also you can edit files,clone GitHub repository, connect to the internet, and run graphical applications without rooting or any other specific setup. It  works on a phone or tablet like a mini Linux system. Read this article to learn more about Termux.

Basic Termux commands list :-

First you need to install Termux application from f-droid. after installing, open the application and start your linux journey with some basic commands :

1. Package management :

Linux terminals require a package manager for installation, uninstallation, updating, and managing software packages. Termux comes with its own package manager. ‘pkg‘ here are some package management Termux commands list :

  • $ pkg update : update installed packages to the latest version.
  • $ pkg upgrade : upgrade installed packages to the latest version.
  • $ pkg install {package_name} : to install package like python, git ect.
  • $ pkg uninstall {package_name} : to uninstall a package from Termux.
  • $ pkg list-installed : list of installed packages.

2. Directory and file management :

Directory and file managing in Linux is a must-have skill for any Linux user. With this Termux Commands list, you can use it to create, move, copy, delete, and customise files:

  • $ cd {directory_name} : move to specific directory.
  • $ cd : go back to the past directory.
  • $ cd $HOME : go back to the home directory.
  • $ ls : list of all files in present directory.
  • $ cp {file_name} : copy files.
  • $ rm {file_name} : remove file (delete).
  • $ rm -rf {directory_name} : remove directory (delete).
  • $ touch {file_name} : to create a new file in Termux.
  • $ mkdir {directory_name} : create a new directory in Termux.

3. File running commands:

Termux allows you to run different types of files using specific commands based on the file type. Here are some file-running Termux commands:

  • $ bash {} : To run a Bash file.
  • $ sh {}: To a shell file.
  • $ python {}: To run a Python file.
  • $ node {file_name.js}: To run a JavaScript file using Node.js.
  • $ php {file_name.php}: To run a PHP file.

4. File editing :

Nano and vim text editors are essential for script editing and file configuration in Termux. Here are some basic Termux file editing commands :

  • $ cat {file_name} : To open a text file.
  • $ nano {file_name} : To modify a file, using the Nano text editor.
  • $ vim {file_name} : To do any advance editing, launch the Vim text editor.

5. Networking :

Termux networking commands allow users to do many types of network-related work on their device. Here are some basic Termux networking commands :

  • $ ifconfig : display information about your network.
  • $ curl {url} : Download or display a web page from a URL.
  • $ wget {url} : The command is to download a file from a specific URL.

6. Management of System and Processes:

Termux allows you to manage system processes and connect with the system of your Android device using various commands :

  • $ ps : List of running processes.
  • $ kill {process_id} : To end a running process (kill)
  • $ top : Display the current state of your system’s resources.
  • $ uptime : Provide information about your system uptime.

7. Basic commands :

These commands serve a few roles :

  • $ termux-setup-storage : Allow access to your device shared storage.
  • $ whoami : Your current username in Termux.
  • $ clear : To clear the current Termux terminal screen.
  • $ exit : Exit the current session or terminal.




These are some of the basic Termux Commands list that you can use to perform various tasks on your device using Termux. You can use these commands to have some fun things like coding and security checks. So keep the list ready, experiment with the commands, and make your phone do some amazing things.

Basic Termux Commands list pdf download link :-

The Termux commands list in PDF format is a valuable and easily accessible resource for Termux users. In this pdf, you can find Termux basic commands like package management commands, networking commands, text editing commands, and more. Click on the below download button to download the Termux Commands List pdf file. :-

Conclusion :-

Termux is an advanced application that provides Android phone users superpowers by allowing them to write and manage tasks using a range of commands. It is simple to use, making it suitable for both professionals and beginners. Your Android smartphone may achieve outstanding features by learning those commands, which will make it a more smart device.

proud owner of, Assam native. Tech enthusiast, sharing Termux and Linux expertise. Simplifying tech for all—from beginners to pros. Join me on this knowledge-sharing adventure!

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