How to Backup Termux – Termux Backup | 2024

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Hey guys! If you are looking for how to backup Termux or a Termux backup tool, then you are in the right place, because in this article I’m going to share with you a tool that is used for backing up Termux packages and Termux Home.

The tool will save your Termux data internally in our device’s internal storage, and you can restore it if you uninstall Termux or lose its data.

Termux backup

Termux Backup

To backup and restore Termux data, we will use the rewind tool. Rewind is a simple tool that is used for backing up and restoring Termux packages and Termux home files. It saves your Termux packages and Termux home files in your device’s internal storage. Here’s how it works:

  • Backup: It will backup your current Termux home directory files and installed packages.
  • Backup Packages: A list of all installed packages will be saved, which you can use to reinstall them during the restoring process.
  • Backup Files: Your personal files and installed tools will be backed up.
  • Restore: You can easily reinstall your lost Termux files and packages by taking a backup with this tool.

How to backup Termux?

First of all, let’s install the Rewind Termux backup tool.

To install the rewind tool, open Termux and copy and paste the following commands one by one:

apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install wget -y
wget && chmod u+x rewind && mv rewind $PREFIX/bin/

After following the above commands one by one, the rewind tool will be successfully installed in Termux. Now let’s see how to backup Termux by using this tool and how to restore the backups.

  • Backup: Run the following command to backup your Termux data, including install packages and files:
rewind -b
  • Restore: Install the “rewind” tool again using the same commands you used to install it then run the following command to restore your Termux data:
rewind -r

After taking a backup, you just need to install the rewind tool again and run the rewind -r command to restore your Termux data.

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The rewind backup tool for Termux is a great way to save and restore your data. It’s an easy-to-use and user-friendly tool for all Termux users.

In this article, I have provided the rewind tool command and usage to backup and restore Termux data.

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